Redis Keys Expire — Things you need to know.Whenever we create a key in Redis, this key is created without any timeout or expiration value. So they live forever in the Redis server…Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Leetcode problem 1022: Sum of Root To Leaf Binary NumbersIn this problem, we need to find the sum of all binary numbers that are formed by traversing each root to leaf path in the tree. Please…Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020
Tomcat 9.0.16 throws 404 error in eclipseToday I installed a new eclipse version through eclipse installer and then configured tomcat 9.0.16 as server. But tomcat started throwing…Mar 19, 2019Mar 19, 2019
Java’s Metadata And Annotations, Part 1 : IntroductionJava Annotations provide a way to specify metadata about various java constructs like Classes, Methods, constructors or package.Feb 20, 2019Feb 20, 2019
How java HashMap handles null keys and null values.When we put a null key to java hashmap hashcode() method is not called on the null, instead puts the key in bucket 0. Java uses linked…Nov 17, 2018Nov 17, 2018
Flink :- No JobSubmissionResult returned, please make sure you called…Last week I was working on one of my Apache Flink based project, in which I added several more sub-tasks to the stream. And while…Nov 9, 2018Nov 9, 2018
Sprin MVC : Content Type is not being set correctlyProblem: content type always being set as “text/html”Aug 25, 2017Aug 25, 2017